MLA meeting presentations and proceedings are available on the Document Depository page of the Members section.
GRM presented the results of their maize seed voucher pilot. CARE and SNV presented results of their respective credit and consignment agrodealer stocking models. SDC discussed results of their Zaka input voucher programme. Redan Mobile Transactions Zimbabwe presented a paper on their scratch card voucher system. Paperhole Investments discussed the ...
The University of Zimbabwe presented a paper on the history of agricultural extension in Zimbabwe. Agritex described the status quo. The MLWG presented the results of an investigation on extension service providers in Zimbabwe including private sector, government and NGO's. GRM described the extension system being implemented by the Conservation ...
CARE described how they linked suppliers and agro-dealers in their Agent programme. National Tested Seeds related their experience in implementing an input distribution programme with World Vision. The Malawi Ministry of Agriculture described the governments input subsidy scheme. SDC and GRM described the mechanics of their voucher schemes planned for ...
Analysis of the 2009 Money Policy Statement and Fiscal Budget. Government (Ministry of Agriculture) and private sector (Standard Chartered Bank, National Foods and Cotton Ginners Association) described how the new economic dispensation will affect smallholder marketing business in their sectors.
Focus on the Farmers Unions and Agritex. The three farmers unions and Agritex described their roles in smallholders marketing.
Private sector company Farmco described their contract farming financial model. The MLWG Steering Committee presented the results of an investigation on the marketing of maize. River of Life described how smallholder productivity can be increased through conservation farming.
Inaugural meeting with presentations promoting holistic approach to marketing from private sector (AgriSeeds) and an NGO (HELP Germany). The EU's SMISDP programme described the potential for private sector marketing arrangement at rehabilitated irrigation schemes.