MLA meeting presentations and proceedings are available on the Document Depository page of the Members section.
Types of agricultural data collected and data collection methodology were presented by Agritex, Zimstat, ZFU, and AMA. Buztrunk, licensees for the Esoko platform in Zimbabwe, discussed the merits and services offered by the platform.
Sponsored by USAID. Presentations from government, farmers unions, private sector and donor/NGO representatives were followed by panel discussions. Organisations presenting papers were Agritex, Zimbabwe Farmers Union, Cotton Ginner's Association and PRP.
Sponsored by HiVOS. Technoserve presented a paper on their investigation into the feasibility of market information systems (MIS) in Zimbabwe. Mark Davies, CEO of Esoko, presented the ICT information exchange platform that has been developed in Ghana. Swedish Cooperative Centre described their ICT-based support model for rural farmer involved in ...
Agritex provided an overview of groundnut production in Zimbabwe. DR&SS gave a presentation on groundnut agronomy. Agriseeds discussed the marketing of Zimbabwean groundnuts.
IRD and Zim-AIED gave the results of smallholder sesame programmes implemented in the previous season.
MercyCorps presented the results of their programme that aimed at improving access to agricultural finance for smallholder horticulturalists. Agritrade and ZADT provided updates on the two credit facilities. Commercialisation of indigenous crop species was discussed by BiZ. The results of a pilot weather index insurance programme were reviewed by APT.
Presentation made to the MLWG Steering Committee by Technoserve on the state and potential of the coffee industry.
The Department of Economics and Markets discussed regulations governing the import and export of agricultural products in Zimbabwe. COMESA made a presentation on regional agricultural trade policy. Zimbabwean policy with respect to GMO was discussed in separate presentations by the National Biotechnology Authority and National Economic Consultative Forum. COMESA presented ...
The theme of this seminar included warehouse receipt systems and commodity exchanges. Presentations were made by Agritex, Crop Link, DR&SS, MoIC and AMA.
Meeting convened at FAO with presentations from Mashonaland Tobacco Company, Tanganda Tea Company, Agriseeds, Northern Farming and Sondelani Ranching.